Depression/Trauma/Abuse//Life Challenges/Relationships/Leadership Training/Spiritual Counseling
DEPRESSION : Depression as become a Major Factor in Suicide Rate especially amongst the Youths and Young Adults.
It is a Tormenting Feeling So Overwehlming and consuming that most Victims lack the Word to explain.
I have experienced it and I know and understand anyone in that Situation battling with the Condition. A Feeling of being Trap in a Deep Darkness, and no matter how You try, you just literally keep Sinking and getting Deeper in the Hole.
It takes a Greater Force and Power of LIGHT to be able to escape such Darkness.
However the Good NEWS is that, Our WILL is STRONGER to Conquer and SUBDUE this Condition. The WILL to HEAL and SURVIVE is what Push us through the Process of Healing and Conquering.
What are the Factors that Play a Major Role in DEPRESSION?
* Childhood Trauma.
* Victims to Abuse/Victimization.
* Victims to a Nascistic Individual.
* Victims to Molestation/Violation.
* Loss of Loved Ones.
* Heartbreak.
The journey of life comes with various challenges that most times is beyond our control. many attribute this to the devil, however we fail to admit some of the challenges are basically as a result of our own wrong choices in life. Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes these mistakes tends to serve as open door or entrance for the enemy to invade our lives, homes, career, business, family, marriage and finances.
Quite a number of us also lack adequate knowledge of the Spirit world, and how it operate, essentially the Spirit controls the physical, and when an individual's life is being controlled by the Spirit world, most often the individual first become Spiritually blind. This is required to ensure the subject never have the opportunity to see beyond the physical world.

Mental Health Coaching
Leadership Programs
Spiritual Counseling
Life Crisis Resolution
Self Deliverance Procedures
Sadly, some of the individual affected seek various unreasonable, unrealistic and ridiculous means to gain freedom. In the course of pursuing the wrong solution, many are subjected to additional burden, affliction and crisis because ignorantly the Only Good Thing That Is Left In Their Life Has Been Taken Or Stolen By The Enemy Through These Sources.
However, The GOOD NEWS Is That Subair Transforming Ministry Is A Vessel In The HANDS Of The MOST HIGH To Help Renew, Restore And Transform Such An Individual From A Place Of Crisis To CHRIST LIFE,From A Place Of Victim To VICTOR,From A Place Of Affliction To LIBERATION and From A Place Of Spiritual Death To LIFE By The REDEMPTIVE BLOOD Of JESUS.