I watched a Documentary about Ebola last Year 2021, and the Narrator mentioned a Friend of Hers She had to Visit at the Hospital where Ebola Patient were Separated for Medical Attention.
Has She made her way through the Corridor of the Hospital, the Camera Man was Capturing the whole Scene while she continued to Interview some of the Patient as she pass by their Beds.
Suddenly she let out a Gasp as she approached the Hall towards the end of the Facility where Her Male Colleague and Friend was said to be Admitted.
Her Friend was in a Critical Condition so much so that She Feared He may Loose the Fight to the deadly Ebola.
But there was something that Caught My Attention in the Statement She made when She got to the Bed side of Her Friend, In Tears She said Her Friend was only Admitted Yesterday and Prior to His being Diagnosed with the Ebola, there was No Trace of the Symptoms of the Deadly Disease Visible on Him.
The Moment He received the Report on the Test that it was Positive, He suddenly began to Manifest the Symptoms.
And now it is Apparent that He is Battling to Stay Alive with the deadly Illness.
The Question is What CHANGED In His System, cell and Body?
Before I come to that, let Me share a Little bit about My Near Death Experience and How I got a Second Chance at Life.
In June 2004, I was Afflicted with a Very Strange Illness that Attacked My Brain to the Point that I Felt My Brain Melting Away and Flowing into My Spine.
I was taking to Various Hospital and Medical Center by My Sister but all Attempt to get Treatment Failed because the Doctors couldn't Diagnose what was wrong with me.
I was then taken Home to Die because I had literally become a Skeletal Figure.
Everyone was waiting for the Time I would eventually receive My Heavenly Rest but Funny it never came even though I was an Eye Sore.
But One thing Kept Me going, and that was the Church Fellowship and Service, I made sure I never Missed One and My Pastor then was an Amazing and One of a Kind Servant of GOD who was Solid in Faith with Me as He helped Me get to Church each Time with His car.
I could rarely Move around or Walk but when I do , I had to hold My Head in both My Hands as it Feel so Empty that I was almost sure that it would drop off My neck if I do not hold on to it.
Then Everything suddenly Changed the Night I had a Personal Encounter with CHRIST MY SAVIOR In a Dream.
Before the Dream, I had not Slept for Weeks because the Moment I close My Eyes I was always in a Fight with Beast.
It never occur to Me that as I Fight in the Dream, it was Manifesting in the Physical to the Point that those I was Sharing the Room with back then could not be Alone with Me as they Fear for their Lives, and so they suggested My Sister take Me to a Psychiatrist.
Now here is the Catch People, before the Night of My Personal Encounter with JESUS My SAVIOR, the Sickness had deteriorated to that Point because of FEAR.
I was Afraid to Die, and the More Fearful I become of Death the More Worst My Condition got and the More I Fight to Keep Alive, the Closer I get to Dying.
Until the Night of My Personal Encounter with CHRIST and everything Changes.
Now Instead of Fighting Death, I began to FIGHT THE FEAR.
Instead of Fighting the Sickness, I began to FIGHT THE REPORT.
Instead of Fighting with My Mind, I began to FIGHT THE THOUGHT.
The More I Fight these Elements in My Body, The More I Gain back My Health and begin to Recover.
It's Been 18Years to the GLORY of GOD and am still Counting.
Beloved, FEAR Is The Main Culprit that We All Allow to Play with Our MIND through Our THOUGHT.
FEAR is the Culprit We All allow Play with Our HEALTH Through Our Body which is Connected to the BRAIN.
Therefore Beloved, NOTE this very Strongly!!!
It is Not Sickness that Kills Many but FEAR.
It Is Not the REPORT from Doctors That Kills Many But the ACCEPTANCE.
This to My understanding Implies that FEAR Is an Illusion, a Seed Created by the Devil to Feed on Our Mind.
And as We Process it, It Germinate and continue to Produce Negative Energy in Our Brain to the Point that it Takes over the whole Body. And when this happened, Our Body Breaks Down Under the Illusion that was Fed to it through the Mind.
If there is No Help at that Point, the Individual becomes Consumed by these Negative Energy and Bad Health to the Point of Death.
Now You understand Why the Friend of the Narrator of that Documentary suddenly begins to manifest the Symptoms immediately the Report was received.
The Report served as The Initial SEED OF FEAR which could Germinate to the Worst Negative Energy If Fed to the MIND.
So the CHOICE is Ours to either Reject and Block Off the Bad and Negative Report We received through Our Eyes or Our Ears in order for Us to Remain VICTORIOUS Over FEAR.
It is My Sincere Prayer that Many will Receive Liberation from Fear through this Message.
The POWER AND ULTIMATE LOVE IN CHRIST JESUS Through HIS BLOOD as been Made available for Us All to Help Us in Navigating through All of these Challenges that LIFE Throws at Us each Time.
This is My 48 Birthday Article and My 18th Year Celebration of a SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE.
Many Thanks, Bountiful Blessings and Much Love.
I Remain Yours Truly,
Apostolos Katherine Subair.
