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Updated: Sep 15, 2022

The World Is Basically Falling Apart And In Turmoil Due To The Daily Increase In Crimes, Domestic Abuse, Molestation, Victimization, Domestic Wars, Trauma, Pain, Emotional Abuse and Stress With 90% Of This Perpetrators and Criminals Already Suffering And Battling Long Term Inner WOUNDS Inflicted On Them During Their Childhood. Sadly Some of This Individual Had To Endure and Deal with This Situation For So Long That The Wound Inflicted Become Enlarged And Cancerous To The Point Where Most Have Become Damaged And Hopeless In Receiving Healing.

According To Research, This Assaults And Criminal Acts Is Usually And Most Often Committed By Loved Ones That Victims Had Bonded, Become Much Attached And Trusted, Basically Includes Immediate Family Members( Fathers And Mothers) Extended Family Members ( Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Grandparents), Trusted Neighbors And Close Friends.

Unfortunately This As Become An Unending Circles The World As Become Accustom To With People Making Excuses For There Negative And Criminal Actions By Saying “ HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE “ But That Is Literally Ridiculous, How Will The World Heal With People Continuously Hurting Each Other And Hiding Under The Excuse Of being HURT. The Movie Drama Titled “ THE SHACK “ Based On A Novel Excellently Written By “ William P. Young “Throws More Light To The Unending Circle Of Damaged Individuals Right From There Previous Generations.

Basically, There Are Two Categories Of WOUNDED SOULS: 1* Those Wounded From Childhood, Typically Damaged, Vengeful And Dangerous (2* The INNOCENT VICTIMS That Knows Nothing About The Experience But Are Being Made To Pay For It and As A Result Receive Injury As Well In There Soul.


When An Individual Is Wounded To The point Of Being Damaged, It Does Not Only Destroy The Person’s life It Affects Virtually Everyone Around Him Or Her Especially The Loved Ones, As A Matter Of Fact The Community And Society At Large Becomes Vulnerable To Such An Individual.

When A Person Sustain injury To The Soul As A Result Of Childhood Trauma, Pain, Abuse, Molestation, Victimization, Assaults And The Rest. Apparently There Are Some Characteristics That Becomes Noticeable With Time

· Withdrawal

· Mood Swing

· Lack Of Empathy

· Emotional Withdrawn

· Lack Of Compassion

· Introverted

Low Self Esteem

· Insecure

· Quick Tempered E.t.c

However as The Pain And Trauma Progress With Time, Such Individual Develops A Double Identity, * His

Original Self And The Personality They Want To Present To The World. Often Times The Damaged Personality Is Hidden Within and This Is Because In Order To Carry Out There Vengeance There is Need For A Decoy Or Camouflage To Project Them As A More Better And Perfect Personality To Their Original Self Which Is Damaged and Hidden. This New Personality Is Needed In Order To Easily Attract There Prey Or Victim. When There Prey Is Caught, The Hidden Damaged Soul Comes To The Surface To Exact And Seek Revenge On The INNOCENT VICTIM.

To These Damaged Souls, The Victim Represent The Individual That Inflicted The Injury On Them And They Derive Pleasure In Seeing The Victim Suffer The Pain Or Much Worse Pain They Were Made To Go Through.


Unfortunately, The Same Way A Wounded Individual Goes About Seeking For His Or Her Prey And Victims, Same Way The Devil Goes Around Seeking For Candidates To Be Recruited As Agent Into his kingdom. There Are Characteristics That Identify A Potential Candidate For The Devils Tools. * Hatred * Envy *Bitterness *Vengeful *Anger *Rebellion *Lack Of Empathy *Lack Of Remorse *Unforgiveness and Other Sins Common In The World.

Sadly All of These Traits Can Be Found In A Damaged Individual and Therefore Automatically Makes Them A Perfect Candidate To be used By the Devil. And When The Devil Eventually get a Hold On Them, These Individuals Become a Total Terror To The Community and Society at Large. These Are People Who Have No Regards For Human Lives And Totally Dangerous. Dangerous In The Fact That They Will Not Only Seek To Destroy Their Victims Physically and Emotionally, They Would Go Further By Destroying Souls Spiritually as Well.


Our Present Is Determined By The CHOICE We Made In The Past, And The Choice We Make Now Determine Our Future. Therefore Choice Plays A Significant Role In The Life Of Every Single Person, A Person May Receive Deep Painful Wounds To His Or Her Soul, But It Is A Choice To Either Decide To Heal That Wound Before It Becomes Cancerous Or To Leave It To Become Deeper and Larger.

Before We Make Any Crucial Decision, We Need To Consider Our Future and That Of Our Generations, We Need To Ask Ourselves How That Decision Will Affect Us Now And That Of Our Unborn Children. Choosing To Heal And Love Despite Our Past Experiences Is A Huge Step Towards CHANGE And TRANSFORMATION. Our Children and Unborn Children Do Not Deserve A Damaged Mother Or Father Because They Are Innocent. Our Partners Do Not Deserve A Damage Spouse Because They Came Into Our Lives To Fill The Void Created By Those Who Hurt Us, They Are Our Healers Therefore They Deserve Appreciation and Love From Us Not Torture.

Choose Change Today!!!!!

Choose Transformation!!!!!

And Most Of All, Choose To LOVE!!!!!!




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