Lately, I have begin to have an Intense Deep Concern for People like Me who literally depends so much on Social Media to Promote, Market, Create and Advance our Business, Content and Skills.
In as much as Social media serve as a Network Channel for Start Up Businesses and Individuals like Me to Connect for Growth and Development which basically seems to be very Beneficial, Meaningful and Helpful. I have realized that there are a lot of Shortcomings and Negative Impact it probe to Many, especially to the Gullible and Vulnerable.
Those Sensitive to Triggers and those already struggling to maintain a Mental Health Stability are seriously Struggling daily with the Advancement of Technology, this is because they are yet to move on from their Past and unfortunately Struggle to Adapt and Conform with the New Normal in their Present.
They therefore desperately try every effort to Flow and in the Process Loose Themselves and eventually begin to deal with serious Mental Health Condition.
There as been an Increase and an Alarming surge of Mental Health Cases not only because of the Global Economic Instability but I will Stress Strongly that Technology especially Social Media as had a lot to do with the Increase lately.
In fact the Impact is in such Magnitude that it scares me to Think of WHO and WHAT as been Affected so Far.
From My Research and Assessment, it is pretty much Clear that the Following Areas receives much Impact from Social Media which in Turn Affects the Mental Wellbeing.
SOCIAL LIFE : I recently discover that Social Media is beginning to Segregate Individuals on the Platform according to their Financial Status, Social Status, Influences, Geographical e.t.c
This to Me is Preposterous as People's VALUE shouldn't be determined by these Status but by WHO They are and the HIDDEN TREASURE that Lie deep within them Waiting to be Tapped.
This Segregation as taken a Toll on the Mind of Many Struggling to Meet Up with the Demand Daily to Belong on Social Media. A Demand that eventually Cause them their Identity and Mental Health Most Times.
*People are Compelled daily to take Up other Peoples Identity because they've been made to Doubt theirs.
* People are Compelled to Wear Mask daily, because they've been made to See themselves as a Nobody.
* People are Compelled to seek for other Unwanted, Ridiculous and unnecessary Social Circle because they've been made to believe the Current Circle of Friends who could Probably be the Very Best are not Needed.
* Groups are Formed, Platforms are Created and Circles of the Most Influencers are Generated to give the Impression that Only these People Matters in the Society, and the Rest are nuisance.
RELATIONSHIP : Unfortunately this is One of the Most Damaging Area in Recent Time because People as been Misinformed, Misrepresented and given a different Perception and Definition about Relationship through Regular engagement with Social Media Platforms.
Especially with the Increasing need to Alter Body Features to Fit in with the Norms or Fashion Trend, making those who still maintain their GOD Given BEAUTY to be looked upon as Ugly or without Class.
*Partners who as always seen the Beauty in themselves begin to see otherwise
*Partners who Accept each others Personality begin to see it as a Problem.
*Partners who Share same Values and Believes are suddenly Split because the Value No longer matters.
Eventually the Seed of Hatred is Planted, it then Germinate to Turn them to each others Enemy.
All because of their Constant Engagement, Network and Desire to Mingle with New People through Social Media Platforms and Participate in various and several Master Classes, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops where there Mind as been Tampered with.
RELIGION : This as become a Total Nuisance as I will Put it especially in the Christian Community, as there as been an Introduction of Weird Religious Believes and Doctrines Attached to Christianity Lately, claiming to Operate through Same HOLYSPIRIT.
Christianity is suddenly Split into Various Sections of Religious Practices with New Ones springing up at an Alarming Rate, Leaving People Totally Confused and Mentally Drained.
I have a Problem trying to Figure Out :
* Women who claim to be Christians but are all Dressed up and Made up like JEZEBEL.
* Women who Claim to be Christians and Ministers who are not Different in any way in Appearance, Actions and Words from DELILAH.
* Women who Claim to be Christians and Ministers but Dresses like a STRIPPER.
* Men who Claim to be Christians who leave their Pants Hanging Out.
* Men who Claim to be Christians and Ministers who deal in Drugs and Women.
* Men who Claim to be Christians and Ministers but DON'T LIVE It at Home.
* Men and Women who engage in Witchcraft and claim it's from the holyspirit????????
* Men and Women who Consult with diviners and sorcerers and claim they are consulting Prophets?????
* Men and Women who find themselves in a satanic church and still claim it is god's???? church
* Ministers of the GOSPEL who turns and interpret the Scripture to SUIT their Lifestyle?????
It is becoming a Pathetic Situation to Watch on Social Media, as many are being deceived, Brainwashed and Manipulated into taking these New Directions, a Path that leads to Destruction most Times or Totally Change there Life Forever.
PROFFESSIONS/BUSINESS/CAREER : This is Causing many a Total Mental Breakdown as People and Individuals with the ZEAL, the SKILLS, the EXPERIENCE and EXPERTISE as well as the Over all POTENTIAL to Give the Best Service, Best Task and Perform to their Best Ability are NOT Recognized but rather Attention and Recognition is Given to the Impersonators, Scammers and Content Murders as One of My Good Friend would put it.
* I have Read Reports of People who Steals Content from Brilliant Individuals on Social Media to make it theirs because they have the Most Audience, Connected to High Profiles or are Popular.
The Primary Intent of being on Social Media is to make Money from the Hard Earned well Constructive Content of the Brilliant but not privilege Individuals.
* Some of these JACK OF NO TRADE as I Call them Live a Flashy Lifestyle in order to Fool Many into Recognizing them as Professionals but unfortunately Lack total Knowledge of Who a Professional is and How they Operate.
It is so Pathetic and Heartbreaking because quiet a Number of Genuine Businesses as been Run down and Ruined by these Scammers Posing as Professionals.
Lately there as been an Intense Desperation and an Alarming Increase of these Individuals on Social Media Platforms that I feel Strongly in My Spirit that something needs to be done and Certain Areas on Social Media needs to be Address before it Turns many into a Zombie.
Thank You and Hope You Enjoy this Read.
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