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Updated: Jul 12, 2021

A Mess Can Be Seen As a Situation Or Unpleasant Event In Our Life Beyond Our Control, Often Times A Mistake Turns Into A Mess As A Result of Our Choices In Life. A Mess Comes In Various Way:

· A Mess As A Result of Our Own Personal Choices

· A Mess As A Result of Our Parents Choices

· And A Mess As A Result of Our Partners Choices.

When You Found Yourself In A Messy Situation, The First Thing Three Things You Need To Identify In That Situation Is:

· Are Your Parents Role In Bringing About Or Generating That Mess….

· What Is Your Partners Role In Creating That Mess…….

Identifying Each Persons Role In That Situation Is Crucial So As Not To Shift The Blame On Any Other Participant When It Is Absolutely Apparent and Clear You Play the Major Role In It Due To Your Bad Choices and Not That Of Others.

The Moment We Bring Ourselves To Recognize and Admit Our Role In This, Obviously We Are Already Making A Huge Step Towards The Solution.

Some Of Us Would Say “ I Am Too Far Gone Into The Mess That There Is No Turning Back” Or Others Would Say “ I Have Sunk Neck Deep Into The Mess That I Cannot Get Out” But That Is A Big Lie of the Devil To Keep You Stuck In That Dark Tunnel So You Wouldn’t Be Able To Turn Around to see The Light, The Devil Would want to Ensure You Keep Going In Circles In That Dark Tunnel Until Totally Destroyed.

But I Have GREAT NEWS for You, and the Great News Is That No Matter how Deep You Have Sunk In That Sinking Sand, You Can Still Come Out Again. And No Matter How far Gone You Have Walked, You Can Still Make A U=Turn


A Mistake Can Be Seen as A Negative Action Taking Towards Someone Or Something That Most Times Leads To Consequences. Mistakes and Mess are Interwoven Because Often Times It Is a Mistake Turns Into A Mess and We Have Three Categories of Mistakes:

· Mistakes Committed Consciously That Often Leads To Guilt…..

· Mistakes Committed Consciously Without Guilt….

· And Mistakes Committed Again and Again

*Mistakes Committed Unconsciously Comes With Guilt, Remorse, Regrets of Actions Which Eventually Leads To Repentance, Such An Individual Learns A LESSON from It and Ensure To Never Take Such Actions Again.

*Mistakes Committed Consciously Often Times Not Accompany by Guilt as The Person or Individual Involve Derives Pleasure from Reminiscing Over the Mistake. It Makes the Individual feels Good and There Is A Tendency that Such Mistake Would be Committed Again Which Gradually Shapes The Person Into a Different Personality Entirely.

*Mistakes Committed Again and Again Is No longer a Mistake By the Reason of the Fact that the Individual had Continuously Derive Pleasure in Such an Act or Action to the Point That It Becomes An Habit.


· A Mess Only Becomes A Message Unless and If The Individual Involve Recognize It As One

· And A Mistake Only Turns To A Blessing Unless and If The Individual Involve Recognize and Admit It Was A Mistake, Shows Remorse and Regret, Learns His Or Her Lesson, Repent from It and Take Steps Towards Solution

It Is Only When An Individual Is Able To Make All Of these Mentioned Steps that Confirms that Such Is Ready To RECEIVE The BLESSINGS That Follows the Mess.


· A Mess Affects The Loved Ones and People Around Than It Affects The Person Involve, A Typical Scenario Is That Of Someone Into Drugs. Literally a Little Dose of Heroin Changes the Whole System of The Body to The Point That They have No Control Over Their Actions and this Often Times Lead Them To Commit Crimes.

· A Mess Is An Automatic Open Door for The Devil To Gain Access into The Life of the Individual and Family. Obviously The TEMPLE Which Is the BODY Is Defiled and therefore the SPIRIT of GOD Departs and When this happens the Body is Absolutely Vacant and Available for the Devils habitat.

· A Mess Attracts A Curse, This Is Because Innocent People are Made To Face, Endure and go Through Pain Caused By The Mistake Which could have Been Averted If The Individual Involve had Made The Right Decision and Choice.

· A Mess Sometimes Destroy The Person Involve to the Point of Death If they could not Make Changes and Right Decision at the Right Time.


· It Brings the Individual Closer to GOD By Recognizing that it Took the GRACE and the STRENGTH of GOD to be able to Come Out Of the Mess.

· It Brings A Sense of Relief To The Person Involve, A Feeling of Total Bliss because the Burden and Stress of a Mess Is Heavy.

· It Brings Harmony In the Home as There Is A sense of Bond and Closeness with the Family and Loved Ones More than Before.

· Restoration – The Individual is Restore to A More Greater Glory than the Previous One.

· The Life Becomes A Message and A Blessing To Others That May Find Themselves in the Same or Similar Situation.

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